Guillaume Paugam

Minneapolis, MN 55413 · (513) 593-9597 ·

Full-stack developper experienced with MongoDB/Express/React/Node/Typescript, Go, and MySQL • specializes in client-side development (the “backend of the frontend“) • always on the lookout for technologies, frameworks, or tools that may improve efficiency and enhance the user experience

I strive to create clean, self-documenting code for apps that are efficient, esthetically pleasing, and easy to maintain.
Background in education (with a doctorate in Philosophy), media studies, and technical support (Tier II/Mentor/SME).


React Engineer

Our Family Wizard

OurFamilyWizard is a co-parenting application that helps families living separately thrive. In my capacity as a Front End developer, I contribute to the tooling provided to the professionals who are using OFW to reimagine their approach to case management.

December 2021 - now

Software Engineer


At Sezzle, I worked mostly on internal tools and customer facing applications. Full stack is React/Redux with sagas + TypeScript and Sass on the frontend, Go (golang) on the backend. I also write documentation to optimize the team's use of these tools.

Special projects:

  • writing re-usable frontend components to be used across multiple teams and projects.
  • responsible for upgrading the technical stack of multiple frontend projects after new versions introduced breaking changes (including: react-router, react, redux, ESLint, Webpack, Saga, Babel, Jest, Node & TypeScript).
  • implemented of react-intl in several frontend projects in order to localize the system in French Canadian.
February 2019 - November 2021

Tier II Customer Support / Mentor / SME

Lone Wolf Technologies

At (later on: Lone Wolf Technologies), I was offering bilingual support for a SaaS solution through phone, live-chat, and emails. As the SME for this product I trained, and was the mentor of, a team of 3-5 representatives.

December 2014 - June 2018

Visiting Assistant Professor of French

Miami University (OH)

At Miami University, I taught, gave lectures, wrote articles, and attended conferences sharing my research on French literature/philosophy. I also participated in related administrative tasks such as recruiting students, participating in committees, and helping organize a study abroad workshop.

August 2009 - July 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor of French

University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)

At Miami University, I taught, gave lectures, wrote articles, and attended conferences sharing my research on French literature/philosophy.

August 2008 - July 2009

Administrative Assistant

Mainichi Shimbun. Paris Bureau

At Mainichi Shimbun, I was helping the journalist correspondents prepare their news reports. Besides office management, various tasks included scouting topics of interest, organizing field trips, and identifying experts to interview.

September 2004 - July 2008


University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Coding Bootcamp
Full Stack development through a curriculum that covers: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Database Theory, Bookshelf.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Command Line, Cheerio, and more.

February 2018 - August 2018

EHESS - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
(School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences)

Doctorate in Philosophy and Social Sciences
Thesis “La Théorie du langage à la lumière de la philosophie kantienne : vers une Linguistique critique” (H. Wismann, Director; 299 p.)

September 2004 - July 2008

EHESS - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
(School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences)

DEA (Masters) in Philosophy and Social Sciences
Thesis “Foucault et l’Expérience de la Pensée. Présentation, transcription et commentaire d’un manuscrit inédit de L’Archéologie du savoir”

September 2003 - July 2004

EHESS - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
(School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences)

Diplôme in Language Sciences (BA)
Thesis “Autour de la figure. Une Archéologie de la rhétorique française” (Y. Hersant, Director; 190 p.)

September 2000 - July 2003

Rennes II University, Rennes

Licence (BA) in Media Studies

September 1999 - June 2000





This app facilitates managing players, games, and stats for the “Summit Broomball” group.
The goal is to:

  • be able to draft teams for this group that meets weekly. The teams can be drafted manually, or automatically (through the automated draft feature that sorts players by levels, or by drafting teams according to their pick order by team captains).
  • manage and visualize stats recorded for games and players – be it game scores, or win %, or goals scored by each player, etc.

It is built using React/Redux as the Front End framework, and Express/Node on the Back End. The database used is MongoDB (through Mongoose).
Refactoring a previous attempt that was using JQuery and MySQL (through Sequelize), this version resolves bottlenecks which arose then by a better state management, and a faster DB solution (the object-oriented javascript used to query Mongo performing better than raw queries passed to MySQL via Sequelize).

Main Learning Outcomes

Object Oriented Javascript. Refactoring code. Using Redux for React state management. MongDB queries through Mongoose.


  • Civic



    This application provides a voting recommendation for the gubernatorial race based on how much you agree with the candidate's positions
    Users are presented with (anonymous) stances – each of which they can "Strongly Agree" / "Agree" / "Neither Agree nor Disagree" / "Disagree" / "Strongly Disagree".
    The app then calculates which of the governors from the database user agrees the most with.

    • the app includes a "Primary" mode allows to show/hide DFL or Republican candidates.
    • it also allows to enter a new candidate to the list of existing people running for the position.

    Main Learning Outcomes

    JSON "database". Javascript .reduce() higher order function. Building and querying a restful API. Heroku deployment.


  • Presidents



    This app consists in a memory game. To win, users need to click on official portraits of US Presidents in the order they were in office
    Thumbnails are randomized with each turn.

    Main Learning Outcomes

    React.js as a Front-End framework.


  • Broomball Group Manager



    This app facilitates managing players, games, and stats for the “Summit Broomball” group.
    This is the first version of the app now refactored as a MERN stack app

    Main Learning Outcomes

    Sequelize/MySQL. Javascript callbacks, .reduce(), and recursive functions. JQuery to manage the state of JS elements.


  • Rock Collection



    This “Breaking Bad” themed game captures the user's clicks to update Front End and Back End data.
    Each mineral is given a random value between 1 and 12. Users need to click on a mineral to purchase it until they reach the amount that has been set on page load. They lose the game if they go over their "budget".

    Features quotes of the beloved “Breaking Bad“ series alongside real rocksminerals depicted in the show.

    Main Learning Outcomes

    Capturing clicks via JQuery. Manipulating random numbers. Keeping score.


  • Found in translation



    A trivia game with a twist: questions are timed. But if you get them right, you are rewarded with a motivational gif :)

    Main Learning Outcomes

    Giphy external API. Setting delays in “vanilla” Javascript.


  • Happning



    This app, built during the University of Minnesota Coding Bootcam as a “Group Project”, manipulates data obtained via external APIs requests.
    For a given date, it queries weather and event information for users to make plans.
    During the development of this app, I acted as the Product Owner / Project manager + helped implementing back-end functionalities.

    Main Learning Outcomes

    Querying external APIs (eventful, OpenWeatherMap, etc.). Formatting the data received.


  • Materialize
  • Skills

    Programming Languages & Tools
    • Dependable
    • Organized
    • Patient
    • Persistent

    Scholarly Activities

      • Quand Je n'est pas un autre. Ce que la littérature fait à l'autobiographie, Paris: L'Harmattan, December 2020, 264 p.
      • La philosophie et le problème du langage. Linguistique, Rhétorique, Herméneutique, Paris: Hermann, April 2011, 402 p.
        Book Chapters
      • “Herméneutique et compréhension”
        Cyndie Sautereau et Simon Castonguay, Pratique et langage. Études herméneutiques, (Laval: Presses de l'Université de Laval, 2013), p 219-244.
      • “Le Génie de la critique: De Sainte-Beuve et de Proust”
        Manon Auger et Marina Girardin, Entre l’écrivain et son œuvre. In(ter)férence des métadiscours littéraires, (Montreal: Nota Bene, 2008), pp. 13-27.
        Articles in Journals
      • “Mathieu Larnaudie: une écriture de (la) crise”
        Contemporary French & Francophone Studies SITES, 19.4/5 (Storrs: University of Connecticut Press, 2015), pp. 593-601.
      • “L’origine du monde”, “Relation de l’avènement de Paul Ier le Bon, de Manon l’Espiègle et d’Alexandre le Placide” et “Éducation, piège à cons”
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 41:1 (Paris: Hermann, 2015).
      • “Genèse de l'autobiographie”
        Poétique (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2013), pp. 409-421.
      • “De l’Anthropologie à l’archéologie”
        Critique, 747 (Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 2009), pp. 836-847.
      • “Benveniste, le ‘Je’ et la langue : Des déictiques et de la ‘subjectivité’”
        Texto !, XIII:3 (, 2008), pp. 1-9.
      • “Au creux de l’abyme: les miroirs équivoques chez Gide et Sôseki”
        Texte, Revue de critique et de théorie littéraire, 39-40 (University of Toronto, 2007), pp. 39-57.
      • “Foucault et l’aporie de l’a-subjectivité”
        Les Temps Modernes, 640 (Paris: Gallimard, 2006), pp. 132-155.
      • “Naissance(s) de la clinique”
        Critique, 660 (Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 2002), pp. 381-390.
        (Visual and material culture)
      • “Les Feux de la vie et de la beauté” (on soap operas)
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 37:2 (Paris: Hermann, 2011), p. 23-34.
      • “L'Éditorialiste/Le Blogueur” and “Daniel Schneidermann, le renégat universel ?”
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 32:1 (Paris: Hermann, 2009), pp. 33-35 and pp. 127-131.
      • “Dupuy, Berberian. Le Trait” (on Dupuy-Berberian's Graphic Novel: Journal d'un album)
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 25:3 (Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2006), pp. 103-106.
      • “Boilet et l’envers de la BD: Nouvelle manga ou dernier avatar du japonisme ?”
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 25:3 (Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2006), pp. 83-96.
        (Shorter Texts and reviews)
      • “De l'inconvénient d'être né Arabe” (On Matthias Énard's Rue des voleurs, 2012)
        International Journal of Francophone Studies (Bristol, UK: Intellect Ltd), postponed
      • “Le Mouvement ou la mort” (journal: Critique, 2013), pp. 350-354 (on Lola Lafon's, Nous sommes les oiseaux de la tempête qui s'annonce, Flammarion, 2011).
      • “Deux fois L’Archéogie du savoir ?”
        Cahiers Parisiens. Parisian Notebooks, 1 (Paris: The University of Chicago Center in Paris, 2005), pp. 357-363.
      • “Emmanuel Lozerand, Littérature et génie national. Naissance d’une histoire littéraire dans le Japon du XIXe siècle
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 26:1 (Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2007), pp. 125-132.
      • “L’État d’exception : sur un paradoxe d’Agamben”
        Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire, 19:3 (Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2004), pp. 43-58.
      • “Le Mali au cœur” — Bibliobs site d’actualité littéraire (Spring 2013)
      • “Chirac : un conte japonais” — Bibliobs site d’actualité littéraire (Spring 2008)
      • “Vie et mort d’une collection” — Bibliobs site d’actualité littéraire (Winter 2007)
      • “Casterman condamné pour malfaçon” — Bibliobs site d’actualité littéraire (Fall 2007)
        Invited Lecture
      • “The Foucault Fiction”, Department of Romance Languages (Johns Hopkins University — Baltimore), January 2012.
        Other Lectures & Talks
      • “Mathieu Larnaudie: une écriture de (la) crise”, 20th & 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International colloquium (Columbia-CUNY — New-York City), March 2014.
      • “Traces de vie et soupçon de fiction dans deux œuvres d'Arno Bertina”, 20th & 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International colloquium (Georgia Tech University — Atlanta), March 2013.
      • “Sainte-Beuve, l'ordre et la volupté”, Law & Order / La loi & l’ordre: 37th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium (University of Pennsylvania and Villanova University — Philadelphia), October 2011.
      • “Gide et la mise en espace de l'autobiographie”, 20th & 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International colloquium (Guelph University — Toronto), March 2010.
      • “Rousseau juge de Lejeune ou comment définir l'autobiographie”, Department of French & Italian Work-in-Progress series (Miami University — Oxford), February 2010.
      • “Une Herméneutique de la langue : le cas Gadamer”, Symposium “L’Herméneutique : état des lieux et nouvelles perspectives” (Congrès de la SPQ, Ottawa), March 2009.
      • “Guetteur de l'aube de sa propre rupture : L’Archéologie du savoir comme autobiographie”, 20th & 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International colloquium, (University of Minnesota — Twin Cities), March 2009.



    • 2022:
      • MN State Championships – Champion (Class B) – Blizzard
      • Twin Cities Open – Champion (Co-ed) – Betty Whiteouts
      • Broomfest – Champion (A-Bracket) – Rockpile
    • 2021:
      • MN Meltdown – Champion (Tier 2) – Blizzard
    • 2019:
      • North American/Midwestern Championships – Champion (Midwestern) – Flames
      • European Championships – Champion (European Cup, Coed) – MNmericans
      • USA National Championships – Champion (Class B) – Flames
      • MN State Outdoor Championships – Runner-up (A/B Category) – Flames
    • 2018:
      • Dictator Cup – Champion – The Guillotines
    • 2017:
      • USA National Championships – Runner-up (B Category) – Tonka Lift
    • 2016:
      • Stinky Trash Can – Champion – Waste Management
      • The Return of the Robin Broomball Tournament – Champion
      • IFBA World Championships – Runner-up (Consolation Cup) – Team France

    I also enjoy playing petanque, pickleball, kickball, and ping-pong + reading, writing, and watching TV shows